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« Friends gather at the schoolhouse. | Main | Cold ,Rain ,Windy , Did i mention COLD ? »

October 18, 2008


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Awww, bet he was chuffed by your comment.
Did you get his autograph or are yoou not allowed were you work?

white o'morn cottage

...And you get paid for this????!!!

Who else famous have you met at the airport?


I think I would have told him it was the Irish airport custom to have them "sign-in" personalize it..after all, he wouldn't want you to get in trouble "with your boss"


He is lovely! I am a jealous!

Not sure where you work at the
airport but hopefully it is where
you get to search him and
pad him down! He! He!



Oh you lucky dog.
He is certainly lovely.
i would've said THE EXACT THING. Call a spade a spade right.. let's not beat around the bush people..

He's lovely and he should know it! ~d

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