Yes - my friends, that is what I said to JESSE MEDCALF!
I dont even know if that's his proper name!!! you will know him as the GEORGOUS gardener from Desperate Housewives!!!!!!.
Well I was working today in the airport and when he came up to me ...YES TO ME!!! ...All I could think of saying was................"Your the lovely man that was on the Late Late Show (Talk show) last night...... "Yes" says himself "How was it??"
"Great" says I [mezmorized] by the snowy white teeth and the dreamy brown eyes and trying to remain professional LoL!!!!
That man is just drop dead georgous, anyway just wanted to share that with yiz ,wonder who i will meet tommrow ?????? Angie x
Awww, bet he was chuffed by your comment.
Did you get his autograph or are yoou not allowed were you work?
Posted by: sharie | October 19, 2008 at 05:44 AM
...And you get paid for this????!!!
Who else famous have you met at the airport?
Posted by: white o'morn cottage | October 19, 2008 at 07:03 AM
I think I would have told him it was the Irish airport custom to have them "sign-in" personalize it..after all, he wouldn't want you to get in trouble "with your boss"
Posted by: Colleen | October 19, 2008 at 03:47 PM
He is lovely! I am a jealous!
Not sure where you work at the
airport but hopefully it is where
you get to search him and
pad him down! He! He!
Posted by: kimme@irishcottagedreams | October 19, 2008 at 09:01 PM
Oh you lucky dog.
He is certainly lovely.
i would've said THE EXACT THING. Call a spade a spade right.. let's not beat around the bush people..
He's lovely and he should know it! ~d
Posted by: debby | October 30, 2008 at 07:01 AM