I have NOT been tagged to tell five things you did not know about me. But who can wait to be tagged? Not lil' ol' me for sure. So - here are five little known facts 'bout this ol' rock chick that you would not have guessed in a million years!
1. I have a 22" waist. ......
yes, I AM SO skinny..,.....Yes, (deep inside this 32" waist resides a 22" waist) It has not seen the light of day since 1973 but hey! 10 inches ...that's only 5 inches each side. Not far from daylight right?
2 . I was ARRESTED on the CHAMPS ELYSEĆ, PARIS in 1972 for.......Busking!
Yes, that Champs Elysee in that Paris.
I enjoyed evey minute of it. Yes, it was my finest hour. I can't even sing or play an instrument but Paul can and was and I was guilty of collecting the spondoolicks in the hat! WHEEEE! We both got arrested along with a man walkin' his dog without a lead and brought to the police station for an hour. Then we were released and told to get out of town.! Wheeeee! I'm a criminal! I Love this story and have been dining out on it for years!
I'd love to do this again before I die. One or both I don't mind. I am going to Amsterdam soon and might chance it there. Sure if we don't get arrested we might make a few bob right? Watch this space. Interpol take note!
3. I can't drive. Well, I CAN drive but don't as I developed a phobia re driving over the years and bought a bike instead. That's a bit boring right? Well this is not....Some drivers often come VERY close to me when I am cycling to work. It makes me nervous and I tend to wobble as they pass and would have been killed sooner or later but I came up with the perfect solution...
No not this lovely bike...read on
It goes like this..........When I hear a car coming up behind me I deliberately WOBBLE dangerously all over the place. This has the effect of frightening the bejeepers out of the driver upcoming and they give me a wide berth. Clever or wha? Survival of the wittiest!
4. I am a teacher - but I left school at age 14 ....and I did so without a qualification of any kind or even a backward glance. I hated every minute I spent in school and now I'm the feckin' teacher! Ah, sufferin' heart!
I still don't have a qualification (not even the Juinior Cert (done at age 15 here) No, I just have 12 years of experience in actually DOING IT (Adult Ed, is the back door to becoming a teacher) At work I have the opportunity and the funding to do a degree in teaching but hey! I am too busy working and living to do it so I duck and dive and just keep on teaching!
I am da teacha'! Whoooo! (under the radar - don't tell the Dept. of Ed - anyway I have a criminal record in France so probably don't qualify on any level)
5 I am an All Ireland Dancing Champion. I have a medal for LINE Dancing. I won it in 19-hundred and splash! Yes, I can and do throw a few shapes on the dance floor. (I was six before I found out I was NOT a ballet dancer.) No one told me otherwise before that - and therefore I truly believed I was. I did not know that one had to learn. Really. I actually believed I could just do it and did it or thought I was doing it. I was born to dance and so I did dance until someone "enlightened" me and then I lost the ability to be a dancer for years- a bit sad really) But talent WILL out I did come to learn to dance and eventually won a national medal for it as part of my club group of line dancers, The Memphis Swingers, a few years ago. (I can STILL ballet dance - don't care what anyone says...and Riverdance and Flamenco dance , Morris dance etc whooo!) So do you want to divulge 5 little known facts about you? Consider yourself tagged so!
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