It is my firm belief that we do not look our best in our youth...well not our teenage youth anyway.
Our "hayday" youth which happens in ou r thirties is our best era. I can prove this with just a few well chosen photos from the past....
Here we have an example of "Cool Irish Band Circa 70's
McNasty they were called, (bell bottoms made everyone look like their knees were tied together)
Photo taken in St Anne's Park , Raheny, 1970's...
...and "Cool Irish Band" Circa 90's - I rest my case!
Irish rock band, Loose Change, taken in1993
Now you recognise anyone? Yes, one of Loose Change was also in McNasty. But that's not who you will recognise -but...another member of Loose Change is well known to you.
Yes! That handsome devil on the left is my husband Paul. It was taken at the wedding of band member on the right, Wes Singleton. In the middle is the third band member, Gary Dixon, but more of him in a minute.
Now, I'd best poke fun at myself ('cos if you are going to dish it out you've got to be able to take it too!)
Below a pic of ME taken in 1975. It was taken in Rue de Boucher, Brussels and yes that is Paul with me. We were buskers in those days. (actually, technically I was not a busker..all I did was smoke and count the money)
Look at those narrow hips! I wonder where they went? And is that a cigarette?!!!! yes, I used to smoke in those days. Paul had an afro hairstyle in the seventies. He used to grow hair in the seventies.
Ahh, where did it all go? Time? hair? bad habits? narrow hips? All gone now ...(except for the narrow hips - I still have those...I DO - it's just that they are buried deep inside my new hips)
Here's a few more of us in that era.
Paul busking in Brussels with Tom Wordsworth from England
And below with Mal Langsdon from England. (He is the photographer who compiled the facebook vid featuring us and some other rockers.)
They are playing in the restaurant, Au Tire Bouchon, Brussels, where Paul worked as a dishwasher. Mal was a photographer for UPI at the time. We met him on our first night in Brussels in Au Tire Bouchon (the Corkscrew) and he gave us his apartment keys as he was going away for a month on assingnemt to Seveso where there had been a disaster. Can you believe it?
His friend and neighbour, Ruth Gruber, a journalist with UPI, said
"Mal, don't do it - don't give your home to two strangers for a month - you don't know them!"
But Mal did, and we did not wreck his home (but I have to confess, I did eat all your Bovril...yeah, that was me, mea culpa - I owe you a jar of Bovril)
Ruth, was our/Mal's next door neighbour and kept a beady eye on us but we soon became close friends with her and her cat, Star. (she got to know us and caved in and realised we were good people)
We are all still in touch on Facebook after all these years...Hi, Mal- Hi Ruth!
Ruth wrote a piece about us as buskers for an American newspaper, I will find it and post here. I still have it. (Busker = street musician or troubadour!)
Oh, how I loved my hippie cheesecloth maxi dress and Paul is wearing a Guinness t-shirt. This was taken outside a restaurant in the Rue de Boucher, Brussels where Paul played for money. (Gawd, I look like a bulldog chewing a wasp!)
Now I will show you some examples of what a difference two decades make.
This is Paul in the seventies...
...and in the 90's
Me in the 70's...
And in my "heyday" the 90's
and here is band member of Loose Change, Gary, in the seventies...
And the same rocker in the 90's...(I think his right hand has been surgically attached to his right hip since the seventies)
Hi Gary.
I will be very kind to us all and not show a pic of any of us another decade or so on. (We all look exactly the - really - we do!)
Here is another photo of the McNasty's and their fans. Just LOOK at the fashions then! Do you remember those clothes? Been there, done that, wore the t-shirt.
I'll leave you with a photo of myself at the height of my cuteness wearing a very short skirt and showing my knickers! Shameless hussy that I was.
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