Hi all. Just heard of a fabulous vintage fair that will be held in Dun Laoghaireon 18th April.
Being run by Vintage Ireland and was a MEGA success last year. For the best in Irish Vintage...be there!
More details ?.... click on link below.
Vertigo Vintage
One of the exhibitors on the day will be one of my favourites for fab vintage...Vertigo Vintage and here is just one of the fabulous gowns she will have for sale on the day. Isn't this DIVINE????!!!!
So romantic and feminine. This is a forties wedding or ball gown in palest pink. As you can see it is a small size. Exquisitely made in Nottingham.
Vintage Bedtime Reading
Speaking of Nottingham here is my latest find: a Nottingham lace bookmark and a vintage romantic novel. Now, romantic fiction is not my fav kind of read but I like to keep this on the bedside and dip into it for a few pages when I can't sleep.
I love to lounge in my vintage long nylon nightgowns pretending to be an oldstyle movie star!
Fairytale Nightgown by Schiaparelli
Oh and that reminds me, I sold my fifties Schiaparelli peignoir and nightgown set. I hated to see it go but it had gotten too small for me (didn't know that nylon could shrink did ya'? LOL!)
So it had to go to someone who would make good use of it. Vintage should be worn not just looked at. Here is a photo of it:
And a photo of the designer Elsa Schiaparelli
For more of my vintage stuff I have included the links below - sorry, no more Schiaparelli's left!
http://vintageretrolingerie.com and http://suchprettyoldthings.com
Vintage Tins
And even more vintage goodies. I got all excited when the postman brought me a box that had a German postmark. It was from Kimme of course, and when I began to open it it showed some gorgeous old tins (you know how much I love to collect these)
Not only that but they were jam packed with goodies. Kimme really knows what floats my boat!
Here they are....
The gorgeous red one is from America, the green and cream one is a 1900's German made. I am using it to store my collection of vintage crochet hooks. Also two delightful vintage tablecloths, some chocolate (Kimme, do you not know I'm allergic to choco? - it brings me out in big hips :-)
Also the traditional pack of jelly frogs for my froglovin' hubby....AND a book called "The Free Range Knitter" Wonderful stories about and by knitters. I have this in the cottage to browse by the fire. I love it. Thanks so much Kimme. You are a star!
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