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September 11, 2009


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Love it! And that Marie..a real beauty is she. Lucky son you have there - and lucky you two are to have him ;-)
Nope, no little sweet gods prettier than Pretty for sure.

And your "lived in" house? Good for you! My house is lived in and loved just the way it is. No matter what we call it, our homes are our sanctuary and filled with love & laughter!


Fantastic fun! You really brighten up my day. XXX


Hi! I'm near Holbeach in Lincolnshire, I wish I were nearer to you too!!! XXX

Kay Flynn-The Wrought Iron Gate

Well now....you best be finding a trunk to fill with things to amuse grandchildren......what with one of your sons considering marriage......a grandchild is the natural progression, yes? One can never be too prepared, you know. Marie looks like a good fit....Pretty seems quite taken with her, as well. Congrats!

I love all the family photos. Your smiles just scream......we love and enjoy each other. The one of you, Paul and Steve is (to coin a phrase) suitable for framing.

Glad you had such a lovely evening,

Angel Mc

I always enjoy your blog and seeing what you are up to. Love the pictures. Good to see Paul looking so well. And of course I love the pictures of the puppies.


ok, my irish soulmate "sista"!...you warmed my heart this lovely sunday morning (no i'm not at mass either as i'm a spiritual gal after being brow-beaten as a child with strict roman catholic upbringing!)... anyhoo, loved the pics...loved the wink and a nod (i'm still working on our gal erin!)...cake did look odd but with the right beer and wine, i can wash anything down! har har....love to you and paul and boys - i'm still making behind the scenes matchmaker plans ;)


What a lovely fun family evening you look to have had. The cake sounds scrummy!


Lovely photos. Now I thought that scrummy cake had rhubarb on top!
Twiggy x

Microsoft Office

Voila, I can now use 2007 as if it was 2002,

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