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September 17, 2009


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Tins apparently are in now. Martha did a 'collecting' piece about them a while back, so of course, everyone is all about them now. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I get to see lots of tins that others are finding. On the other hand, I'm having a much harder time collecting them for my work! It amazes me that after buying literally hundreds of tins and rejecting 10 times that, there are still so many I've never seen. You have snagged some really interesting ones. Thanks for sharing!

Lace hearts

They are lovely... I've always resisted buying tins, because I know if I start I'll catch the collecting bug!


Lovely as always....How are you? XXX


Once a collector, always a collector! There is always something 'new' to collect! ;-)

Love the tins and the box looks beautiful!


a girl can never have too much storage!!
Twiggy x


I really go for tins..these are great! Love the "bitchy" ones :-)

Microsoft Office

Voila, I can now use 2007 as if it was 2002,

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