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September 28, 2009


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Those bikes are FANTASTIC! They will look brilliant in any colour. Love the jumpers too! XXX


Well, for one , I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bikes! And I can't wait to see the finished projects!

The poor little pup..if anyone can let it feel the love, you, my dear, are the one!

your hair looks great..just be patient.

Love flowers! I am reading a book about sort of a fabric origami flower out of 3 inch fabric squares..if I ever complete one , I show you.

Have a great week and keep finding those bargains :-)

Judit Sarkozi

Hi, Pam, Your flower badge os great!!! I love it!
Your blog is fantastic! Thank you for your visiting in my blog.
Hugs: Judit from Hungary


Your flower pin is lovely. The bikes are great, I think purple is the colur for them or perhaps pale blue. what a cute doggy
twiggy x


Oh so much to comment on. Your sister is very talented, the necklaces are beautiful.

It amazes me that some people just don't think when getting a dog/puppy. Hopefully your friend can restore the little ones faith in the human species!

The bikes, well they are just perfect - I would probably have to paint one blue - to remind me of the lovely blue skies we have been having, especially if we are in for a long winter like you predicted in your other post.

Surely as the jumpers came from Mr T's then they are groceries? ;-) I too have that wonderful book, but am yet to make anything from it. Seem to have so much on the go at the moment and can't keep up.

Oh you've given me an award - my first - thank you! Now have to work out what to do.


Hi Pam, the high Nellie is great, I think you should go for the blue of your new jumper and your flowers are really splendid and conjure up the feeling of autumn time in Ireland. I love Ginger and hope she settles in well and can learn to trust. That book of knitted and crochet flowers is now on my must have list. The CS find as usual is perfect. Your really have an eye for the bargains and for special items. Hugs, Margie.

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it is imaging items i really like it.
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Thanks for share it...


I got a High Nelly from the back of a house I was working on. I think it could be a childs one as it is a little bit small but not too small for me to ride. It is very rusty but other wise not in to bad nick could you help me as to where i could get parts for it as i want to bring it back to its former glory. I can assure this is a genuine message. Everyone else thinks I'm mad but I cant wait to get it up and running.

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