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August 30, 2009


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Oh, please, please, please, next time your cat is chasing birds make your husband go outside and shout,
'Knickers, drop 'em now or there'll be no dinner for you!'
Thanks for your lovely comment, what else did you find on your crime spree?
Have a great weekend, x

Kay Flynn-The Wrought Iron Gate

So many fun things in this post, starting with "Pants- Down Now." Hubby heard me laughing, even though he was on the next floor up.

Love all the shades of pink in your latest creations.....knitting bag, and the cushions, both wicker chair and union jack. Wonderful quilted bedspread, as well. The embroidered chiffon is exquisite. Your stash must be amazing!

Can't wait to see your interpretation of the cup light. Great idea!

Best Wishes,


Your bed looks so lovely and restful - strange how insomnia can affect us despite such a perfect environment for sleep!

Love your cushions and knitting bag, your machine does embroidery?! How clever.

As to Pants or Knickers...well what can I say?

Oh and what sort of candle making kit do you need?


Hi Pam, great work indeed, I love the bag, and it is great to see that someone else also hoards ribbons, buttons and scraps of material, I am running out of storage space and the attic is full too. I laughed so much at Paul's words to the cat, then got worried when you suggested you were obsessed with the bedroom, and cried laughing when I read the cats new name. Thanks for the entertainment. hugs, Margie.

angie lee

I gave you that Angel !!!

Angel Mc

i love it all...the bag, the pillow, the bedroom (which could easily be in a magazine) and i especially love the cat, he is quite the handsome guy.


Awww the cat is gorgeous


Pants down!!! LOL! I had to tell Patrick that one... we
both got a good laugh. I think I prefer the name Knickers...
but Pants was soo cute too!
I can't believe all your treasures. They are wonderful. The buttons made me drool... I have a thing for buttons. I don't have any now, but my dream is to collect them one day and have loads. LOL!!

Great idea on the cups... Shout out If you ever need me to source anything else. I love to go on a good thrifting adventure.... especially on someone else's dime. LOL :)


Tanya aka Chyna

Knickers?! LOL Somehow that is worse for yelling out the window but way cute. You're son has quite a sense of humor. ;)

Lovin' all the frills and prints you have going right now. Maybe you should make some lavender pillows and see if that solves the non-sleeps.

Marilyn in NM

Oh Pam, I love the knitting bag. You knew I would see it and covet it, didn't you? Well, I don't have a machine that embroiders but it sure makes me want one. I've been looking on etsy.com for bags like yours and I know I could make one but I'm just too busy knitting....lol.

I also love the chiffon valance you put up. I just love lace and anything that resembles it. I also love the china cup chandelier project. How beautiful it will be.
OK, Knickers it is! I think that's a cute name for a kitty....lol. I love Jus' comment to use the phrase when calling Knickers for dinner. Very cute!

Keep on Knitting!!!!
Marilyn in NM

generic cialis

They are too adorable. I cant wait to see more. And the new fabric line I just love. I had my list of what I wanted to order and it looks like I will be adding more. I love the summer colorway. I was thinking of decorating my daughters room with it. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing more!

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