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July 29, 2009


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We'd have been happy to see the two of you, you'd have been sharing the airbed with Twiglet though :) more likely I would - lol. That is a fine skirt and good on you going dancing, you need a bit of fun,especially with the baby weight to shed - only joking !!!!
Hope Paul continues to be on the up and up nd then you can go dancing together in your lovely skirt!
Twiggy x

angie lee

Go on ye good thing!!! love the skirt , and glad to hear you went dancing xxxx


Your man looks great! God Bless.



Glad to hear your going so well. Regards to Paul and your Mam. Marilyn xoxo


Oh, I know that Froggy is cute and soft and comfy..but Paul is SOOO much better there next to you! Let's all hope he kicks Froggy our VERY SOON! :-)

Love the skirt- and you look thin as a model- beautiful!

The story of the fire is a sad one for sure- hopefully, regulations on fire exits and the like are in place so that may never happen again to anyone.

Give your Mam a gentle hug from Utah and tell Paul he and Mr. B are having a "Healing Party" in our hearts - they will both be up and at 'em in no time.

Lori Ricketts

I have followed Main Street Memories for quite a while now and have found your site through Colleen's blog. Your Mr. P. and her Mr. B. look like siblings. Isn't that so amazing... seperated sometime in their life.. I love your writing and your vintage things, visit my blog if you would like. I'm actually traveling as we speak so I won't be able to update for a week... thanks for the visit... Have a lovely day!

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