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March 22, 2009


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Sounds like ya'll had a wonderful weekend. Big Hurray
for Ireland winning the grand slam. Hoot! Hoot!

Look who's a celebrity now :) I am not surprised...
You have down such a wonderful job with your
cottage :) Fantaiseach!

Happy birthday to Angie!

hugs ~Kimme


Oh my - so much to comment on - First - Happy Birthday to Angie - Yay!

Second - love the idea of you Da contributing to the building of a beautiful nest - what a wonderful tribute to him :-) If you find the nest, be certain to show us..

Third - YAY you! An interview! That's great and they couldn't have chosen a better candidate !

Whew - this was a great post of yours - can't wait to see Kimmie's photos and what a lucky gal she is to visit the lovely cottage - you are so sweet to offer your heart's work to others.

have a happy Monday!


Pam, you are a absolute angel, thank you so much for your kind offer.
Isn't that exciting about the magazine, I hope everything goes well for you.
Happy Birthday to Angie and very best wishes to Andrew, we are all thinking of him. Love Val xxxx


Oh my goodness!!!!! to say I'm over the moon about my win would be an understatement, this has come at a great time for us as we were really sad we've not been able to afford to come over to lovely Ireland for the last 2 years. Also little Twiglet is poorly at the moment, so this cheery news has REALLY cheered us up. A thousand thank yous for your lovely kind gesture
Twiggy x


PS Forgot this bit in all the excitement - doh!! Not sure how to contact you Pamela.
I've got my email address on my blog, but can't find yours, feel free to drop me a line :) and thanks again
Twiggy x


Looks like you had a fab weekend with lots of fun, good for you! Congrats on the interview, you have a very sweet cottage and are very generous a perfect match, can't wait to hear how it goes. Good Luck !
Dog Lover

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