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January 25, 2009


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I hardly know where to begin! Lovely pictures of frost/snow in your part of the country. Lovely pictures of Jill's home and lake. Lovely pictures of Jill's dogs..adorable! Lovely, lovely lovely! Your cottage photos, interior and exterior, make me want to come visit you.

Ah, but my favorite? The Woodbine Inn...my kind of place!

I know you and Kimme will have a wonderful visit...lift a pint for me, will you? Clink!


Jill's house is lovely but I would take the character and beauty of your home anyday.

Positively idyllic looking.

Kimme@Irish cottage Dreams

I'll take one Hangover with a hamburger and chips, to go, please. Ha!Ha!

OHHH! That magnificent view of yours! It is to die for! I can't wait to see it again in the spring. :)

How exciting that the butler sink is going in. I can't wait to see it when we get there. The cottage was so homey and charming last year. I am sure it is even more so with all the new "loving touches" you have added to it.

Thank you Pam for your kind words. You are truly a good friend. I can't wait to meet everyone..We will have a good ole' time!



Oh, save some chips, a pint and some of that wonderful gold for me too! All of the photos are lovely and I think the snow is magical :-) Just like the fairy - love the moss growing and wrapping itself around her-Thanks for sharing another great post.

Kay Flynn-The Wrought Iron Gate

Love the painted fence. Love the painted milk churn.....but my favorite is your crock of gold. In truth, I think your White O'Morn Cottage sits at the end of your rainbow.....and the people you love who visit you there are it's golden nuggets. Hope you and Kimme have a wonderful visit.

The Vintage Kitten

I love your friends house at the top of the hill. Its huge and with beautiful views over the lake....amazing. Your home is so cozy Im sure your friends cant wait to visit again. Can I come if I bring cocktails for you all? X


O those cottage photos in the frost and that one at dawn. How beautiful it all looks!

Totally amazing.


I haven`t experienced hangover yet, so I`ll take it! haha:-D

And,I found that link "JapaneseKeane" in "Blogs & Sites I Love " is unavailable!
Maybe,you posted wrong URL.....

I hope you`ll review it :-)

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