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October 23, 2008


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My daughter and myself have decided that
they are both lovely looking and have very
kind eyes. You can tell so much from the
eyes. :)

To Pam's son.... Listen to your mom!!



Can't wait to see what happens, keep us updated. I hope it works out. She looks gorgeous.
Come visit sometime.
With Smiles
Kathryn in the Loft

Lace hearts

How hilarious. I'll await a follow up with interest! But are they well matched height wise? Is she 6 ft 2 and he 5 ft 3, for instance? You've left us guessing. I'm finding this very funny.

Lace hearts

How hilarious. I'll await a follow up with interest! But are they well matched height wise? Is she 6 ft 2 and he 5 ft 3, for instance? You've left us guessing. I'm finding this very funny.


She's beautiful, he's handsome...your grandchild would definitely be a 'keeper'. Keep prodding, Momma...it's a good thing!

Sweet Repose

What we have to go through for Grandchildren...mine is soon to be 21 and the only one so far, it'll have to be Great Grands next. Hope it works out, they both are beautiful people!

Good luck wannabe Grammy!!!



He's a prize to be sure- imagine how pretty those grandbabies would be from those two!? You are too funny - and who knows...maybe..???

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