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October 31, 2008


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Thank goodness you are back..I've missed you! How's the 'romance department' for your son?

I think your cottage is wonderful and I'm sure you are enjoying fixing it up. I'm watching for more pictures. Take care.


Oh, the floor is beautiful! But I know what you mean about hard work...we've been working on the doors from the hall (5 of them) and because we're doing it INSIDE- the rest of the house is a mess! But Braxton & Lulu "supervise" as well...
Have a lovely week!


Awww, you look shattered! But the floor looks lovely and well worth the effort.


hard work on the floor im sure but t will look great
im sure you were shattered hope you enjoyed your glass of wine
looks like you deserved it


It's oing to look fantastic.

Kimme @ Irish Cottage Dreams

Wow Pam! I love the floor! I can't believe
all the changes that have occurred since I was
there! I think what you have done to the
cottage is amazing. I was looking at your
pre-photos of the cottage and the transformation
is just incredible.

I wish you all many happy days in your cottage!

Geoff Copley

Hi Pam & Paul
Blog looks great, love that cottage just beautiful.
Do you have much more to do on it? It has come a long way over the last few years well done.
Talk to you soon
Geoff & Paula and kids.

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