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July 28, 2008


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Lovely make-over you've done on the little egg cabinet. I love the vintage paper and whole effect.
Where is it going to go? Will you show it in situ? (OK I just love the photos of your home and it was a good excuse to ask for more).

I'm sorry I'm not mch good thinking of a name for your shop site...
Vintage Pleasures,
Needful Things (thats from the Steven King book but I often feel I'm rescuing needful things at secondhand stalls! ) or what about
Box of Delights?????

Irish Cottage Dreams

Just off the top of my head....

1.Vintage Irish home.com

2.The Irish Apron or Irishapron.com

"specializing in Vintage Irish goods for
your kitchen and home"

3.The Vintage Irish tea Kettle.com

4. Irish teacup.com


Great cabinet. Love the cards on the bottom
shelf. :)



What about.........."Me old China"

that would be a great name for a Website.


"VILAC"...Vintage Irish Linen and Crocks[-N-stuff].

I'm loving your blog.
I have popped over from Sharie's blog.


ye'll never make your fortune by hangin' on to everything! Teeda.

Love the idea of getting ideas from your blogging mates. Here's some of my own:

Mountain Thyme Cottage - with the byline "will ye go, lassie, go?" (Recognize that?. Maybe even have that playing softly in the background.

OR Artifacts and Old Lace (get it?,)Iron Mountain Cottage, Sunflower Cottage,Snowdrop Cottage, Old Willow Cottage. I'm sure I'll think of more as I top up on more coffee! Teeda

white o'morn cottage

Wow! Keep 'em comin' I love all of them so far! I got a right giggle from the one "Me Old China" Reminds me of "Me sufferin' heart!"


The cabinet is super!

I was thinking Irish Vintage would be a good name for you.


I'm putting on my thinking cap.....The Vintage Closet...I'll keep thinking on this.

I love the re-do on the cabinet..it is darling. Hug, Linda

Sweet Repose

'Love o'Me Heart'...wish I could say 'heart' with that Irish drawl that I so love to hear. Can't wait to see all the treasures that you'll be stressing over to sell or not to sell....by the way I'm keeping the red victorian chair FOR ME!!!



Love the cabinet! I'll be thinking about a name - Treasured Ireland..Treasures of the Emerald Isle...Second Loving Hands of Ireland...Hmmm....keep thinking...


how about Chic N Shabby Decor?


Conversation Pieces

Cottage Collectibles

White O' Morn Mentions

Leitrim Lovelies

Fingers Flynn Finds


GOod luck!!

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