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June 25, 2008


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Irish Cottage Dreams

What a nice idea!
I tried to translate the top piece into
english from German. It was fun
to try even if my german is lame.
Here is what I have.....
Lyric piece for Pianoforte
composed by Edward Grieg

I am sure the gift recipient will love the gift as much
as the wrapping!



what a great idea! I'd never have thought of it.


Really pretty papers! Love the idea of wrapping - make it "oh so special.."


This is a great idea.....I like it. Every once in awhile I'll use the comic pages of our newspaper for birthday gift wrap. Hugs, Linda


I love this! Such a wonderful way to use this type of paper, and for someone who loves music it will be a super treat!


You just never run out of good ideas and I hope you don't mind if I use a few! Thanks!


What lovely ways to reuse the sheet music!

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