I don't know it you have ever noticed but I have never put up a picture of the cottage kitchen - and for good reason too!
It was a bit of a mess, storeroom, workroom and unusable as a kitchen or for dining. But this weekend it was the setting for the inaugaral dinner!
My two lovely friends, Ruby and Nuala came to stay for the weekend and this motivated me to sort out the kitchen for once and for all. Here is the table set for our special dinner. I used the lovely Willow Pattern dishes I have collected for years. Ruby and Nuala cooked and I set the table and we had a fabulous meal and finished it off with a bit of line dancing in the living room!
I feel as though I could sit right down and have a glass of wine with all of you! I'm glad you had fun!!!
Posted by: Mary | July 01, 2008 at 01:59 PM
Hey, you're going to need more place setting when we have our bloggin' party there!
Beautiful women - and I think if they cooked and you cleaned - what a team!
Posted by: Colleen | July 03, 2008 at 11:05 PM
Looks like you had great fun christening the kitchen with your little party. The table is beautifully set.
Posted by: sharie | July 04, 2008 at 09:53 AM