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May 13, 2008


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I imagine you were speechless when Jose showed up. Us women don't tend to forget giving birth. That was a funny story. I could really enjoy a cup of tea in your cozy room. It's lovely!


Your Spanish son favors you :-) I love your antique thimble, the detail is so beautiful. I regularly say thanks for the macro option as well! I'm glad you found it.


2 things:
#1- the thimble is lovely.
and B - your Spanish son is lovely.
I must send my April to visit your blog - she had a "Spanish son" for one summer and 2 vacations since then! He's 15 and , like your Jose, came to Colorado to see how a "regular American family" lives and plays. They love him and he does them as well.
What a delight it must have been to see him again!
Oh, your room - well what can I say, I want to have tea in there with you!


What a lovely thimble. I love how common place things way back when weren't just humdrum but rather pretty. Never have got the hang of using them though. My nails have suffered for it.LOL

What a great story about the son from the past. And to look you up after all those years is just amazing. what a wonderful surprise! Just from the doorway I think your special morning retreat looks wonderful. I could just curl up there myself and read myself into a stupor.


What delighted me this week? Reading your blog. Getting a teapot in the mail from my daugther in law and son. Hummingbirds fluttering around my bird feeder.

kimme @ irish cottage dreams

How wonderful!! Happy Anniversary!!
I wish you many many more years of happiness

*love the thimble! Silver is one of my favorites.
Very neat about your Spanish son stopping by.
Even after many shots of tequila I dont' think you
would have forgotten giving life to him. :)

best wishes, Kimme


Ah me sufferin heart:

THAT delighted me.

You MUST get a video of your leprechaun self talking and post it for me.


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