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May 04, 2008


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Angie lee

Thanks pam you deserved it love you xxxxxAngie


What a neat idea, it makes me wish I had a sister. Oh well, sister-in-laws will have to do. Thanks!

Angie lee

OH HOLY MOTHER OF DEVINE ,now the other skin and blisters will see this and i will have to get my act together and sort out their boxes,by the way drank my tears laughing when i saw the pics of the sexy corset.first put on lovely lotion next put on corset,next say a prayer and lastly ring the bell,your a gas women Angie xxxxxx

kimme @ irish cottage dreams

Thank you for visiting my site! Your comments were
so kind. I really appreciated everyone of them.

It is interesting that you have purchased a cottage in
Leitrim as we think this might be the ideal area for us.
I have been doing research online and it seems this area is still
rural and has a reasonable market. Do you think
this area would still be good to buy into?

Your site is very lovely and I am enjoying all the info on your cottage and hobbies.
I love antiques and vintage clothing also.
I spent saturday at a wonderful flea market in Homburg and purchased an old framed tapestry but was unable to fit
it into my Mini...... I will bring a bigger car next time:)

Best wishes ~Kimme

btw, you can email at my web address name plus "googlemail.com" (w/o blogspot.com)

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