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May 01, 2008


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I love the stain glass door on the one and the paint colors. They are so crisp and bright.

Sweet Cottage Dreams

Ok, I am in awe here in California! I want that stone house (last picture!). So cute!!!!

Yes, Duhgall's name is Gaelic and it translates to dark stranger - so fitting for a black Scottish Terrier, however he is no stranger to most. A bit aloof at some, but usually always ready to greet those he can tell are "dog" people.

Seeeeee....I told you we could be related!!!!! Is there a Fanning Island? I had heard that once before. Needless to say, my cousins are all red heads, too!

Thanks for the visit!!



I once had a poster with photos of the "Doors of Ireland" and it had rows and rows of lovely doors - all very welcoming. I have long since lost that old poster but this will now be a great reminder. Thanks for giving me that memory once again!


Hey, next time you're visiting Ma and Da, stop and take a photo of the tiny cottages behind the Manhattan. They're adorable. I'm e-mailing you some photos from my trip in '06.


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