I have decided to blog today about an odd assortment of photos I have filed away for future use but well here they are now. No real theme or relation to each other. Just rambling old lady thoughts (that's right, I am not rock chick today, tomorrow I will be again) I think I'm sufferin' from the mentalpause!
As the cottage is over 150 years old it has a lot of history. Some of this history I am finding in the garden. Here are some bits and bobs I dug up in the flower beds. I found lots of broken crockery and am saving it to make one of those cute birdhouses covered in mosiacs. I think that whenever someone broke a plate in this cottage they just opened the kitchen window and flung it out.
Another thing I keep finding are old Syrup of Figs bottles (the white ones here) and Milk of Magnesia bottles (the blue ones here) (someone in this family had bad constipation) The brown circle thingy in photo is the top of a ceramic hot water bottle. MMM...cold feet, constipation and a tendancy to drop dishes...getting to know you, getting to know all about you..... Anyway, I just keep putting my finds on the kitchen windowsill until I decide what I am going to do with them. Cute little rustic vignette.
Here's Holly Dolly looking so cute!
This is my surprise camelia. My neithbour next door to me in Dublin, gave me a plant to put down at the cottage. I was not too impressed- kinda shrivelled up and bent over (...the plant not the neighbour) So I just dropped it into a handy hole around the back, out of sight so it could die in peace. But when I went down in Febuary I spotted this lovely bloom. What a surprise!
These are some of the first flowers to bloom in the garden this year. Ohhh, I spot weeds - I'll put that on my to do list.
These three pics I call "Going, going, gone! I know they are not in order but then neither am I!
I love a dripple-eee candle that sculps interesting shapes as it burns. Here's another one I burned
Look at the shadow it casts on the wall - lovely!
...And this was taken in the cottage bathroom
....the soft light of dawn breaking on a misty frosty morning at Christmas 2007
A few weeks ago I planted the sunflower seeds and they are doing well. Thsi is is a picture of the sunflowers standing sentry at the garden gate last August. I can't believe they started life as tiny shoots and ended up over six foot tall!
Your pictures are making me wish even harder for my flowers to bloom. Here in Pennsylvania we have to wait until the middle of May to plant any flower seeds. We can still have frost up until that time. So I wait....impatiently...enjoying your flowers and hoping mine come soon.
Posted by: Mary | April 20, 2008 at 01:13 PM
Ah, sunflowers. They look so sweet and unassuming but are really wicked plants bent on ripping the unaware passerby. I've got some of those giants at my house and they look so neat with their heads to the sun but to brush up against one. Yipes!!! Lovely pics, keep them coming.
Posted by: tanya | April 22, 2008 at 09:03 AM
Yes they are wicked, - that's why they are standing sentry. They are gaurding the house!
Posted by: Pam | April 22, 2008 at 09:09 AM