Wish me luck tomorrow night everyone... 'cos my friend, the gorgeous Ruby, and I (the gorgeous me?) are giving a demo of American line dancing at a function for my job. It is the presentation of certificates to all our students, an annual bash where they are presented with their FETAC certs that they have worked all year towards. A great night every year and after the certs. tutors and students all do their party pieces and have "bia, ceol agus craic" (food, music and fun)
We'll be line dancing to Leroy Parnell's Country Down to my Soul. The dance is called Hot Tamales or is it Tomales? I don't even know what a tomale is! It is a fast, thumping, rockin', shit kickin' type of line dance and song and we will give it socks!
Last year, at this shebang, Irish Author Roddy Doyle (below) presented the certificates to the students. Roddy's books: The Commitments, The Snapper, and The Van are all set in "Barrytown" which is Kilbarrack, north Dublin- where he used to teach in the secondary school (like high school). He is very supportive of our adult education centre, KLEAR, as it is based here in Kilbarrack in his old stomping ground.
If you have seen any of these films they were shot on location in Kilbarrack. If you have not seen any of these films - then do so, for a good laugh and some great fun.
This year's presenter is Aongus McAnally, broadcaster and traditional/rock musician and son of Ray McAnally, actor (he played the father in My Left Foot) another great film.
And while on on the subject of this genre of film I watched The Matchmaker last night and laughed my head off! A funny romantic comedy - not to be missed, a fab cheerer upper/chick flick. (Irish American woman comes to rural Ireland from Boston to research her bosses Irish roots. Simple task? Noooo...she arrives in the middle of the Matchmaking Festival and meets a host of truly off the wall characters including -you guessed it - a gorgeous but wired to the moon man...'nuff said
Also Jenn, at Thrift Shop Romantic tells me she watched and loved the film: Waking Ned Devine, and it was highly recommended as a similar kind of film. I'll be checking it out.
Anyway, wish me luck and I will, of course, be posting pics the following day! ...Er...Unless I make a holy show of meself in which case it will never be mentioned again!
My sister Kathy used to teach line dancing! I'd love to see a video of you - I'll bet you'll be "the bee's knees!"
The movie the Matchmaker - I have not heard of this - is it out on DVD yet? Love to watch it. Thanks for the reccommend.
Have a fun time and I want pictures!!!!
Posted by: Colleen | April 14, 2008 at 08:38 PM
Have fun dancing~I'm looking forward to the pictures! Tamales? They are really great-if you ever get a chance to try them, do!
Posted by: Rose Mary | April 15, 2008 at 08:57 AM