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March 10, 2008


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Hi Sweetie, oh my who would throw away something so beautiful as that, I'm glad someone at the thought of rescuing it, and now it's in good hand right, thank you for visiting me, and yes it is very sad that I have to sell but that's ok onto big and better things.



Oh-My-Heck! What a truly fabulous find! Lucky you and lucky Singer Sewing Machine to be rescued by someone who will love it as much as it's original owner.
This is really a great find - if only it could talk- the tales it would tell?!


Oh-My-Heck! What a truly fabulous find! Lucky you and lucky Singer Sewing Machine to be rescued by someone who will love it as much as it's original owner.
This is really a great find - if only it could talk- the tales it would tell?!


Love these old sewing machines they really were beautiful as well as functional.

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