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March 31, 2008


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Oh now that's a hoot! I "saved" that photo and will send it to my sisters to invite them to tea! PS- THANK YOU sooo much! I can't believe you sent me such wonderful and pretty things. You have made me all verklempt!


Just discovered you. i love your page. I was born and reared in leitrim and i too enjoy the beautiful secenery !!!!!! and everything else living in this haven has to offer. I have a beautiful lake with about 100 swans on it every winter..... at my back door!!!!! Enjoy


Oh that's so funny! Love it!

white o'morn cottage

Margaret has just left a comment above.
I am sick! 100 swans? Your own lake? Swan Lake??? I am soooo jealous of you!!! You lucky thing. Enjoy it!


OOhhhhh!! Too funny! I'll send you 2 photos - one of how we see oursleves, and one of how our kids see us. You'll love it. Thanks for the write up! Love you, Teeda

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